Translations:Settings and Commands/4/en

From DDraceNetwork
Setting Description Default Min Max
password Password to the server ""
logfile Filename to log all output to ""
loglevel Log level (0 = Error, 1 = Warn, 2 = Info, 3 = Debug, 4 = Trace) 2 0 4
console_output_level Adjusts the amount of information in the console 0 0 2
console_enable_colors Enable colors in console output 1 0 1
events Enable triggering of events, (eye emotes on some holidays in server, christmas skins in client). 1 0 1
sv_name Server name "unnamed server"
bindaddr Address to bind the client/server to ""
sv_ipv4only Whether to bind only to ipv4, otherwise bind to all available interfaces 0 0 1
sv_port Port to use for the server (Only ports 8303-8310 work in LAN server browser, 0 to automatically find a free port in 8303-8310) 0 0 0
sv_external_port External port to report to the master servers 0 0 0
sv_hostname Server hostname (0.7 only) ""
sv_map Map to use on the server "Sunny Side Up"
sv_max_clients Maximum number of clients that are allowed on a server 64 1 64
sv_max_clients_per_ip Maximum number of clients with the same IP that can connect to the server 4 1 64
sv_high_bandwidth Use high bandwidth mode. Doubles the bandwidth required for the server. LAN use only 0 0 1
sv_register Register server with master server for public listing, can also accept a comma-separated list of protocols to register on, like 'ipv4,ipv6' "1"
sv_register_extra Extra headers to send to the register endpoint, comma separated 'Header: Value' pairs ""
sv_register_url Masterserver URL to register to "
sv_rcon_password Remote console password (full access) ""
sv_rcon_mod_password Remote console password for moderators (limited access) ""
sv_rcon_helper_password Remote console password for helpers (limited access) ""
sv_rcon_max_tries Maximum number of tries for remote console authentication 30 0 100
sv_rcon_bantime The time a client gets banned if remote console authentication fails. 0 makes it just use kick 5 0 1440
sv_auto_demo_record Automatically record demos 0 0 1
sv_auto_demo_max Maximum number of automatically recorded demos (0 = no limit) 10 0 1000
sv_tee_historian Activate the tee historian that writes complete gameplay data to disk (WARNING: This will use a lot of disk space) 0 0 1
sv_vanilla_antispoof Enable vanilla Antispoof 1 0 1
sv_dnsbl Enable DNSBL (DNS-based Blackhole List) 0 0 1
sv_dnsbl_host Hostname of DNSBL provider to use for IP Verification ""
sv_dnsbl_key Optional Authentication Key for the specified DNSBL provider ""
sv_dnsbl_vote Block votes by blacklisted addresses 0 0 1
sv_dnsbl_ban Automatically ban blacklisted addresses 0 0 1
sv_dnsbl_chat Don't allow chat from blacklisted addresses 0 0 1
sv_rcon_vote Only allow authed clients to call votes 0 0 1
sv_player_demo_record Automatically record demos for each player 0 0 1
sv_demo_chat Record chat for demos 0 0 1
sv_server_info_per_second Maximum number of complete server info responses that are sent out per second (0 for no limit) 50 0 10000
sv_van_conn_per_second Antispoof specific ratelimit (0 for no limit) 10 0 10000
sv_sixup Enable sixup connections 1 0 1
sv_skill_level Difficulty level for Teeworlds 0.7 (0: Casual, 1: Normal, 2: Competitive) 1 0 2
debug Debug mode 0 0 1
dbg_curl Debug curl 0 0 1
dbg_pref Performance outputs 0 0 1
dbg_hitch Hitch warnings 0 0 0
dbg_stress Stress systems (Debug build only) 0 0 0
dbg_stress_network Stress network (Debug build only) 0 0 0
http_allow_insecure Allow insecure HTTP protocol in addition to the secure HTTPS one. Mostly useful for testing. 0 0 1
sv_welcome Message that will be displayed to players who join the server ""
sv_reserved_slots The number of slots that are reserved for special players 0 0 64
sv_reserved_slots_pass The password that is required to use a reserved slot ""
sv_hit Whether players can hammer/grenade/laser each other or not 1 0 1
sv_endless_drag Turns endless hooking on/off 0 0 1
sv_test_cmds Turns testing commands aka cheats on/off (setting only works in initial config) 0 0 1
sv_freeze_delay How many seconds the players will remain frozen (applies to all except delayed freeze in switch layer & deepfreeze) 3 1 30
sv_endless_super_hook Endless hook for super players on/off 0 0 1
sv_hide_score Whether players scores will be announced or not 0 0 1
sv_save_worse_scores Whether to save worse scores when you already have a better one 1 0 1
sv_pauseable Whether players can pause their char or not 0 0 1
sv_pause_messages Whether to show messages when a player pauses and resumes 0 0 1
sv_pause_frequency The minimum allowed delay between /spec 1 0 9999
sv_invite Whether players can invite other players to teams 1 0 1
sv_invite_frequency The minimum allowed delay between invites 1 0 9999
sv_tele_others_auth_level The auth level you need to tele others 1 1 3
sv_emotional_tees Whether eye change of tees is enabled with emoticons = 1, not = 0, -1 not at all 1 -1 1
sv_emoticon_delay The time in seconds between over-head emoticons 3 0 9999
sv_eye_emote_change_delay The time in seconds between eye emoticons change 1 0 9999
sv_chat_delay The time in seconds between chat messages 1 0 9999
sv_team_change_delay The time in seconds between team changes (spectator/in game) 3 0 9999
sv_info_change_delay The time in seconds between info changes (name/skin/color), to avoid ranbow mod set this to a very high time 5 0 9999
sv_vote_time The time in seconds a vote lasts 25 1 9999
sv_vote_map_delay The minimum time in seconds between map votes 0 0 9999
sv_vote_delay The time in seconds between any vote 3 0 9999
sv_vote_kick_delay The minimum time in seconds between kick votes 0 0 9999
sv_vote_yes_percentage The percent of people that need to agree or deny for the vote to succeed/fail 50 1 100
sv_vote_majority Whether No. of Yes is compared to No. of No votes or to number of total Players ( Default is 0 Y compare N) 0 0 1
sv_vote_max_total How many people can participate in a vote at max (0 = no limit by default) 0 0 64
sv_vote_veto_time Minutes of time on a server until a player can veto map change votes (0 = disabled) 20 0 1000
sv_kill_delay The minimum time in seconds between kills 1 0 9999
sv_suicide_penalty The minimum time in seconds between kill or /kills and respawn 0 0 9999
sv_map_window Map downloading send-ahead window 15 0 100
sv_fast_download Enables fast download of maps 1 0 1
sv_shotgun_bullet_sound Crazy shotgun bullet sound on/off 0 0 1
sv_score_folder Folder to save score files to "records"
sv_region_name Server region. Used for regional bans "UNK"
sv_sql_servername SQL Server name that is inserted into record table "UNK"
sv_savegames Enables savegames (/save and /load) 1 0 1
sv_saveswapgames_delay Delay in seconds for loading a savegame or before swapping 30 0 10000
sv_saveswapgames_penalty Penalty in seconds for saving or swapping position 60 0 10000
sv_swap_timeout Timeout in seconds before option to swap expires 180 0 10000
sv_swap Enable /swap 1 0 1
sv_use_sql Enables MySQL backend instead of SQLite backend (sv_sqlite_file is still used as fallback write server when no MySQL server is reachable) 0 0 1
sv_sql_queries_delay Delay in seconds between SQL queries of a single player 1 0 20
sv_sqlite_file File to store ranks in case sv_use_sql is turned off or used as backup sql server "ddnet-server.sqlite"
sv_sql_bindaddr Address to bind the SQL connections to ""
sv_use_upnp Enables UPnP support. (Requires -DCONF_UPNP=ON when compiling) 0 0 1
sv_ddrace_rules Whether the default mod rules are displayed or not 1 0 1
sv_rules_line1 Rules line 1 ""
sv_rules_line2 Rules line 2 ""
sv_rules_line3 Rules line 3 ""
sv_rules_line4 Rules line 4 ""
sv_rules_line5 Rules line 5 ""
sv_rules_line6 Rules line 6 ""
sv_rules_line7 Rules line 7 ""
sv_rules_line8 Rules line 8 ""
sv_rules_line9 Rules line 9 ""
sv_rules_line10 Rules line 10 ""
sv_team Teams configuration (0 = off, 1 = on but optional, 2 = must play only with teams, 3 = forced random team only for you) 1 0 3
sv_min_team_size Minimum team size (finishing in a team smaller than this size gives you no teamrank) 2 1 64
sv_max_team_size Maximum team size 64 1 64
sv_map_vote Whether to allow /map 1 0 1
sv_announcement_filename file which will have the announcement, each one at a line "announcement.txt"
sv_announcement_interval time(minutes) in which the announcement will be displayed from the announcement file 300 1 9999
sv_announcement_random Whether announcements are sequential or random 1 0 1
sv_old_laser Whether lasers can hit you if you shot them and that they pull you towards the bounce origin (0 for all new maps) or lasers can't hit you if you shot them, and they pull others towards the shooter 0 0 1
sv_slash_me Whether /me is active on the server or not 0 0 1
sv_rejoin_team_0 Make a team automatically rejoin team 0 after finish (only if not locked) 1 0 1
sv_no_weak_hook Whether to use an alternative calculation for world ticks, that makes the hook behave like all players have strong. 0 0 1
conn_timeout Network timeout 100 5 1000
conn_timeout_protection Network timeout protection 1000 5 10000
sv_reset_pickups Whether the weapons are reset on passing the start tile or not 0 0 1
sv_show_others Whether players can use the command showothers or not 1 0 1
sv_show_others_default Whether players see others by default (2 for own team) 0 0 2
sv_show_all_default Whether players see all tees by default 0 0 1
sv_max_afk_time The time in seconds a player to be afk (0 = disabled) 300 0 9999
sv_plasma_range How far will the plasma gun track tees 700 1 99999
sv_plasma_per_sec How many shots does the plasma gun fire per seconds 3 0 50
sv_dragger_range How far will the dragger track tees 700 1 99999
sv_vote_pause Allow voting to pause players (instead of moving to spectators) 1 0 1
sv_vote_pause_time The time (in seconds) players have to wait in pause when paused by vote 10 0 360
sv_tune_reset Whether tuning is reset after each map change or not 1 0 1
sv_reset_file File to execute on map change or reload to set the default server settings "reset.cfg"
sv_input_fifo Fifo file (non-Windows) or Named Pipe (Windows) to use as input for server console ""
sv_ddrace_tune_reset Whether DDRace tuning (sv_hit, sv_endless_drag and sv_old_laser) is reset after each map change or not 1 0 1
sv_nameless_score Whether nameless tee has a score or not 1 0 1
sv_time_in_broadcast_interval How often to update the broadcast time 1 0 60
sv_default_timer_type Default way of displaying time either game/round timer or broadcast. 0 = game/round timer, 1 = broadcast, 2 = 0+1, 3 = none 0 0 3
sv_chat_initial_delay The time in seconds before the first message can be sent 0 0 360
sv_chat_penalty chat score will be increased by this on every message, and decremented by 1 on every tick. 250 50 1000
sv_chat_threshold if chats core exceeds this, the player will be muted for sv_spam_mute_duration seconds 1000 50 10000
sv_spam_mute_duration how many seconds to mute, if player triggers mute on spam. 0 = off 60 0 3600
sv_rank_cheats Enable ranks after cheats have been used (file based server only) 0 0 1
sv_shutdown_when_empty Shutdown server as soon as no one is on it anymore 0 0 1
sv_reload_when_empty Reload map when server is empty (1 = reload once, 2 = reload every time server gets empty) 0 0 2
sv_kill_protection 0 - Disable, 1-9999 minutes 20 0 9999
sv_solo_server Set server to solo mode (no player interactions, has to be set before loading the map) 0 0 1
sv_client_suggestion Broadcast to display to players without DDNet client "Get DDNet client from to use all features on DDNet!"
sv_client_suggestion_old Broadcast to display to players with an old version of DDNet client "Your DDNet client is old, update it on!"
sv_client_suggestion_bot Broadcast to display to players with a known botting client "Your client has bots and can be remotely controlled!\nPlease use another client like DDNet client from"
sv_banned_versions Comma separated list of banned clients to be kicked on join ""
sv_netlimit Netlimit: Maximum amount of traffic a client is allowed to use (in kb/s) 0 0 10000
sv_netlimit_alpha Netlimit: Alpha of Exponention moving average 50 1 100
sv_connlimit Connlimit: Number of connections an IP is allowed to do in a timespan 5 0 100
sv_connlimit_time Connlimit: Time in which IP's connections are counted 20 0 1000
sv_conn_logging_server Unix socket server for IP address logging (Unix only) ""
sv_warmup Number of seconds to do warmup before round starts 0 0 0
sv_motd Message of the day to display for the clients ""
sv_tournament_mode Tournament mode. When enabled, players joins the server as spectator 0 0 1
sv_spamprotection Spam protection 1 0 1
sv_spectator_slots Number of slots to reserve for spectators 0 0 64
sv_inactivekick_time How many minutes to wait before taking care of inactive players 0 0 1000
sv_inactivekick How to deal with inactive players (0=move to spectator, 1=move to free spectator slot/kick, 2=kick) 0 0 2
sv_strict_spectate_mode Restricts information in spectator mode 0 0 1
sv_vote_spectate Allow voting to move players to spectators 1 0 1
sv_vote_spectate_rejoindelay How many minutes to wait before a player can rejoin after being moved to spectators by vote 3 0 1000
sv_vote_kick Allow voting to kick players 1 0 1
sv_vote_kick_min Minimum number of players required to start a kick vote 0 0 64
sv_vote_kick_bantime The time in seconds to ban a player if kicked by vote. 0 makes it just use kick 5 0 1440
sv_join_vote_delay Add a delay before recently joined players can call any vote or participate in a kick/spec vote (in seconds) 300 0 1000
sv_old_teleport_weapons Teleporting of all weapons (deprecated, use special entities instead) 0 0 1
sv_old_teleport_hook Hook through teleporter (deprecated, use special entities instead) 0 0 1
sv_teleport_hold_hook Hold hook when teleported 0 0 1
sv_teleport_lose_weapons Lose weapons when teleported (useful for some race maps) 0 0 1
sv_deepfly Allow fire non auto weapons when deep 1 0 1
sv_destroy_bullets_on_death Destroy bullets when their owner dies 1 0 1
sv_destroy_lasers_on_death Destroy lasers when their owner dies 0 0 1
sv_mapupdaterate 64 player id <-> vanilla id players map update rate 5 1 100
sv_server_type Type of the server (novice, moderate, ...) "none"
sv_send_votes_per_tick Number of vote options being send per tick 5 1 15
sv_rescue Allow /rescue command so players can teleport themselves out of freeze (setting only works in initial config) 0 0 1
sv_rescue_delay Number of seconds between two rescues 1 0 1000
sv_practice Enable practice mode for teams. Means you can use /rescue, but in turn your rank doesn't count. 1 0 1
dbg_dummies (Debug build only) 0 0 15