
From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 08:28, 30 July 2021 by Tela (talk | contribs)

DDNet client has a multitude of commands and settings that can be bound to nearly any key or mouse button. You can enter commands into the console, which by default is accessed by pressing F1.


Single bind

bind [key] [command/setting] [value]

This is the basic syntax for simple binds.

  • [key] is the key on your keyboard/mouse you want to bind a command to. You can find keycodes here, or just type the key temporarily into one of the controls in the Settings > Controls page in DDNet client and it will show the key name.
  • [command/setting] A full list of all commands and settings can be found here.
  • [value] is the variable you want to set your setting to or an argument for a command. Not all commands require arguments.

Multiple bind

You can also chain commands/settings together by separating them using a semicolon and wrapping them in quotes. You can add as many commands to this chain as you want.

bind [key] "[command/setting] [value]; [command/setting] [value]" 

Nested bind

You can nest multiple quoted strings in a single line by escaping each new set of quotes with backslashes.

bind [key] "bind [key] \"[command/setting] [value]; bind [key] \\\"[command/setting] [value] \\\"\""

As the quoted strings go deeper, you also need to escape the backslash. Since each new layer will again un-escape them, you need to double the amount of backslashes per layer. The third layer will require 3 backslashes, the 4th will require 7, etc.